100 research outputs found

    Event management architecture for the monitoring and diagnosis of a fleet of trains: a case study

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    In recent years, more and more manufacturers and operators of fleets of mobile systems have been focusing their efforts on studying and developing conditional maintenance, monitoring, and diagnostic strategies to cope with an increasingly competitive, unstable, costly, and unpredictable environment. This paper proposes a case study concerning the application of a novel event management architecture, called EMH2, to a fleet of trains. This EMH2 architecture, which applies the holonic paradigm, aims to facilitate the monitoring and diagnosis of a fleet of mobile systems. It is based on a recursive decomposition of cooperative monitoring holons. The definition of a generic event modeling, called SurfEvent, is the second key element of the contribution. EMH2 has been designed to be applicable to any kind of system or equipment up to fleet level. The edge computing paradigm has been adopted for implementation purpose. The EMH2 architecture is designed to facilitate asynchronous and progressive onboard and off-board deployments. A real-world application of EMH2 to a fleet of ten trains currently in use, in collaboration with our industrial partner, Bombardier Transport, is presented. Three key performances indicators have been estimated by comparing EMH2 with the current industrial situation. These indicators are (1) the number of fleet maintenance visits, (2) the time needed by a maintenance operator to investigate and diagnose, and (3) the time needed by the system to update data regarding the health status and monitoring of trains. Results obtained outperformed industrial expectations. The paper finally discusses feedbacks from experience and limitations of the work. Document type: Articl

    Le partage de la ressource en eau sur la Durance en 2050 : vers une évolution du mode de gestion des grands ouvrages duranciens ?

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    Congrès SHF: Water Tensions in Europe and in the Mediterranean: water crisis by 2050?, Paris, FRA, 08-/10/2015 - 09/10/2015International audienceUne vision prospective de la gestion de l'eau du bassin de la Durance et des territoires alimentés par ses eaux à l'horizon 2050 a été élaborée, appuyée par une chaine de modèles incluant des représentations du climat, de la ressource naturelle, des demandes en eau et du fonctionnement des grands ouvrages hydrauliques (Serre-Ponçon, Castillon et Sainte-Croix), sous contraintes de respect des débits réservés, de cotes touristiques dans les retenues et de restitution d'eau stockée pour des usages en aval. Cet ensemble, validé en temps présent, a été alimenté par des projections climatiques et paramétré pour intégrer les évolutions du territoire décrites par des scénarios de développement socio-économique avec une hypothèse de conservation des règles de gestion actuelles. Les résultats suggèrent à l'horizon 2050 : une hausse de la température moyenne de l'air impactant l'hydrologie de montagne ; une évolution incertaine des précipitations ; une réduction des stocks de neige et une fonte avancée dans l'année qui induisent une réduction des débits au printemps ; une diminution de la ressource en eau en période estivale ; une diminution de la demande globale en eau à l'échelle du territoire, cette demande étant fortement conditionnée par les scénarios territoriaux élaborés ici ; la satisfaction des demandes en eau en aval des ouvrages considérées comme prioritaires, au détriment de la production d'énergie en hiver (flexibilité moindre en période de pointe) et du maintien de cotes touristiques en été ;une diminution de la production d'énergie due notamment à la réduction des apports en amont des ouvrages hydroélectriques

    The AVuPUR project (Assessing the Vulnerabiliy of Peri-Urbans Rivers): experimental set up, modelling strategy and first results

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    International audienceLe projet AVuPUR a pour objectif de progresser sur la compréhension et la modélisation des flux d'eau dans les bassins versants péri-urbains. Il s'agit plus particulièrement de fournir des outils permettant de quantifier l'impact d'objets anthropiques tels que zones urbaines, routes, fossés sur les régimes hydrologiques des cours d'eau dans ces bassins. Cet article présente la stratégie expérimentale et de collecte de données mise en ½uvre dans le projet et les pistes proposées pour l'amélioration des outils de modélisation existants et le développement d'outils novateurs. Enfin, nous présentons comment ces outils seront utilisés pour simuler et quantifier l'impact des modifications d'occupation des sols et/ou du climat sur les régimes hydrologiques des bassins étudiés. / The aim of the AVuPUR project is to enhance our understanding and modelling capacity of water fluxes within suburban watersheds. In particular, the objective is to deliver tools allowing to quantify the impact of anthropogenic elements such as urban areas, roads, ditches on the hydrological regime of suburban rivers. This paper presents the observation and data collection strategy set up by the project, and the directions for improving existing modelling tools or proposing innovative ones. Finally, we present how these tools will be used to simulate and quantify the impact of land use and climate changes on the hydrological regimes of the studied catchments

    Long-term outcomes of CLIPPERS (chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids) in a consecutive series of 12 patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) is a central nervous system inflammatory disease. OBJECTIVE: To describe the disease course of CLIPPERS. DESIGN: A nationwide study was implemented to collect clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain biopsy specimen characteristics of patients with CLIPPERS. SETTING: Academic research. PATIENTS: Twelve patients with CLIPPERS. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The therapeutic management of CLIPPERS was evaluated. RESULTS: Among 12 patients, 42 relapses were analyzed. Relapses lasted a mean duration of 2.5 months, manifested frequent cerebellar ataxia and diplopia, and were associated with a mean Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score of 4. Besides typical findings of CLIPPERS, magnetic resonance imaging showed brainstem mass effect in 5 patients, extensive myelitis in 3 patients, and closed ring enhancement in 1 patient. Inconstant oligoclonal bands were found on cerebrospinal fluid investigation in 4 patients, with an increased T-cell ratio of CD4 to CD8. Among 7 available brain biopsy specimens, staining was positive for perivascular CD4 T lymphocytes in 5 samples. Thirty-eight of 42 relapses were treated with pulse corticosteroid therapy, which led to improvement, with a mean residual EDSS score of 1.9 (range, 0-7). In 1 patient with untreated relapses, scores on the EDSS progressively increased to a score of 10 at death. Among 5 patients without long-term corticosteroid therapy, the mean annualized relapse rate was 0.5 (range, 0.25-2.8). Among 7 patients taking oral corticosteroids, no relapses occurred in those whose daily dose was 20 mg or higher. No progressive course of CLIPPERS was observed. Four patients with a final EDSS score of 4 or higher had experienced previous severe relapses (EDSS score, ≥5) and brainstem and spinal cord atrophy. CONCLUSIONS: CLIPPERS is a relapsing-remitting disorder without progressive forms. Long-term disability is correlated with the severity of previous relapses. Further studies are needed to confirm that prolonged corticosteroid therapy prevents further relapses.journal article2012 Julimporte

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR = 2.05, 95%CI = 1.39–3.02, p < 0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR = 0.42, 95%CI = 0.18–0.99, p = 0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon

    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear e+ee^+e^- collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept has been refined using improved software tools. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations and parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25-30 years